
Financial Planning - Suddenly Single

Going from two to one

Finding yourself suddenly single as a result of a relationship breakdown, or the death of a partner, can be an emotional and stressful time. Some days you may experience difficulty just doing daily tasks, much less making sound financial decisions.

If you never managed the financial affairs, you may feel overwhelmed about what do to next or even uncertain about your financial position. For some, the loss of a partner can mean loss of income, yet the cost of running a household remains largely the same.

It’s difficult not to have an emotional connection to the assets and material possessions that you accumulated throughout a life shared with someone else. Deciding what to do with these things now can be difficult. You may also need to reconsider the plans you were making for your future together.

Some decisions and tasks need to be addressed immediately, but there are also a number of things that can wait. Seeking independent and impartial advice can help you see things more objectively.

Our expert financial planners will work with you through this challenging time to help you plan for a financially secure future. With our comprehensive range of financial planning services, you can rely on us to have all your bases covered.

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How financial planning can help

During a time of heightened emotions, having an independent party who has your best interests at heart is crucial to making sound financial decisions. That’s what we’re here for.

If your other half always managed the money side of things, we’ll help you to master new financial skills. We’ll help you to figure out where you stand financially and how to address the immediate issues. We encourage you to take your time to figure out what you want from this new life you find yourself in, then we’ll make a plan to help you get there.

We can help you to prepare a budget so you can manage your regular incomings and outgoings. We can also provide advice on how to restructure debt and leverage assets to help you manage expenses.

Government benefits can be complicated, and you may be unsure if you are entitled to financial assistance. We can investigate on your behalf and provide information on any government benefits you may be entitled to. We can also offer advice on how to structure your finances so you can access them more easily.

When the time is right, we can discuss investment strategies to help supplement lost income and to set you up for a stable financial future. We can also review your superannuation and prepare a retirement plan that will see you thrive.

Our advisors will listen with compassion and without judgement to provide clarity about your financial well-being. We provide independent, unbiased advice to help you confidently move forward. No matter what your level of financial literacy, we’re here to help.

Some key areas of focus

  • Budget preparation – to help you manage your income and expenses going forward
  • Debt management – restructure debts to help manage cashflow
  • Investment strategies – to help supplement lost income
  • Retirement planning – make sure you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle
  • Government benefits – understand what government benefits you may be entitled to

You’re not alone, we’re here to help.

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JSA Financial Planners

At JSA Accountants, our financial planners pride themselves on their compassionate yet pragmatic approach to financial planning. With their extensive experience and comprehensive financial planning advice, you'll soon feel more certain about your future.

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